Tuesday 10 February 2015

Raven Guard Contemptor (Nemesis)

So today I am going to bring you some beautiful pictures of the Contemptor Dreadnought which my friend and hobby-mentor "the Raven" painted. Based on the ForgeWorld "standard" (if you can call it that but it is at least not chapter specific) Contemptor (FW) wielding an assault cannon and a claw it is a real beast! Take a look at the awesome paint-job:
 But look at the base of the hulking brute, what is that poor thing which is crushed under his metal feet? An Emperor's Children bike?! Now this has sparked my temper because of several reasons:

  1. It belongs to the 3rd Legion and is obviously destroyed, not nice at all mr Dreadnought.
  2. It is a bike and I would never bring bikes with my miniatures (sorry all Ravenwing players out there) I think it looks silly. Now jetbikes however is another story...
  3. Even if I brought a bike it wouldn't be broken and dirty, for Throne sake it is the Children we are talking about. We wash and wax our vehicles (and bodies) daily.

Ok he has done an amazing job with this guy, I can't deny it. What I can do is to avenge my poor bike and get back at him with my own Dreadnought! The base of which is at the moment quite gory and might have some plucked feathers on it. Pics are coming :)

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