Tuesday 17 February 2015

Emperor's Children Contemptor Dreadnought Complete!

Phew that was a lot of hard work! First vehicle that I have finished for the 3rd Legion. The model was amazing to work with and I used the pictures on ForgeWorlds website for inspiration and help with both assembly and painting (FW). The color scheme follow that of my other EC (post here) only in a larger scale and techniques such as sponging really helped to weather the model down, making it more realistic.

 I opted for the claw and heavy conversion beamer and they look heavy and cool. The Blood for the bloodgod made it look even more dangerous and I might go back and add some to my other models. Don't want to make then too dirty though, they're not World Eaters after all.

Can't wait to field this guy as he will add some well needed heavy support. I also want to see who would win if he faced the Contemptor of the Raven (his nemesis). Stay tuned for some details on how I made the grizzly base!

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