Tuesday 3 February 2015

Painting the Lepidosaurs Part 2

So I previously showed how to create the basic skink skin color (Part1) and now I will briefly show the detail colors that I have added to these little rascals. The spears are painted in Mournfang brown (shaft), Leadbelcher (tip), Runefang steel (decorative spikes), Golden griffon (decorative spikes) and then all washed in Nuln oil. All other metallic decorations follow the same scheme as the decorative spikes.
 The eyes, feathers and all topaz were first colored with Alaitoc blue, highlighted with Lothern blue and finished with a line of Abaddon black (eyes only).
The claws were painted with Abaddon black and then Dawnstone. The teeth are Screaming skull and the tongue is Screamer pink. There, I hope this guide will help. I think that the skin color makes the model and the blue is in nice contrast with it. I think that the metal and gold could be perfected but this effect is good enough for me. Cheers!

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