Wednesday 18 February 2015

Old sins. Part 1: Tyranids

This is a new segment where I will post some pics on my previous works, pre-heresy if you wish meaning before I started with the Emperor's Children. First out is my first army in 40K: the tyranids of hive fleet Leviathan. This is a force close to my heart which is by far the largest in terms of points and models. Every now and then I keep adding new miniatures to this army and there are still many awesome monsters released from GW which I want to own.
My Hive Tyrant leads the Swarm!
 Genestealers with Broodlord.
 Home-made spore pod (before it was removed from the codex and later returned as a tyrannocye).
 Zoanthropes are my favorite models from the Tyranid faction. I love that they seem defenceless and float on their huge brains. The lack of eyes is also unnerving...
The rest of the Swarm. Lots of gaunts, warriors, gargoyles and some spore mines made from greenstuff. I have lots of yet unpainted models lying around which have to be finished some day... That's it for now! I will continue this segment for the coming weeks and I have at least two more armies to show you!

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