Wednesday 25 February 2015

Old sins. Part 2: Minotaurs

This segment presents my previous hobby armies, before I started with 30K. Last week I showed my first army: Tyranids. After a while it becomes boring painting the same thing over and over and I had just been introduced to the Horus heresy novels so I decided to start a space marine army (40K). I chose the Minotaurs chapter featured in the Badab wars because of a cool background story and nice models from ForgeWorld.
Land raider crusader.
Three half-done tactical squads. I thought it would be cool to use the horned helmets of the Chaos space marines since they make the models more bull-like. I also considered the chapter on the verge of turning traitors (they are described as having some shady features).
Assault terminators with some special shields.
Asterion Moloc Chapter master.
Ivanus Enkomi Reclusiarch.
The paint scheme for this army was kept very simple and I am happy to say that I have advanced since then. This was before I even dared to use shades/washes oh how naive! There is yet one more army to present for next week so stay tuned!

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