Thursday 19 February 2015

Basing the Contemptor

I thought I might make a short post on how I created the poor Raven Guard marine on the base of my contemptor. As for the colors of the rocks etc. I recommend this post: Basing Tutorial
ForgeWorld is more generous with torsos, helmets and arms than with legs and so I had some spare with which to make this poor fellow. The arms I believe are from the MKIV assault squad and I removed the chainsword to leave only a clenched fist. As for the guts and organs pouring out of the downed crow I made them by rolling up green stuff in various shapes.
I painted the Raven in a 70:30 mix of Abaddon black and Dawnstone with highlights in Dawnstone and metal in Leadbelcher. The guts were painted with Cadian fleshtone mixed with various amounts of Abaddon black or Mephiston red mixed with Skull white.
The whites of the Raven are made from 70:30 mix of Skull white and Screaming skull. Here I have also washed the guts with Reikland fleshshade.
Finishing with washing the Raven in Nuln oil and adding a free-hand emblem on the shoulder. The guts were finished with lots of Blood for the bloodgod which I also flicked/applied onto the Raven Guard. The result is gory indeed!

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