Monday 30 March 2015

Emperor's Children Fluffy: HQ Part1

This is a new segment where I will go through the available units that can be used in games of 30K using the ForgeWorld rules. I will discuss which units that work for the 3rd Legion and are "Fluffy" enough to fit with the background of this army. First out is HQ.

  • Praetor: This HQ perfectly fills the role of Lord Commander which is the highest rank within the Emperor's Children, second only to the Primarch Fulgrim. The stats of the Praetor makes for a versatile fighter and there are tons of different upgrades to turn him into whatever you want from a massive terminator to an agile jump marine or a supersonic jetbiker. Close combat or shooting both work for this guy.
  • Centurion: The line Captain has slightly lower stats than the Praetor which is only appropriate but is a cheap HQ which can also be heavlily customized to fit the needs of the army. The Centurion becomes even more interesting when he is upgraded into on of the many Consuls (discussed below).
  • Chaplain: Power maul and zealot. Known to have been used by the 3rd Legion, most notably Chaplain Charmosian. Perfect to use together with any type of assault unit. Possibly given a jump pack.
  • Master of Signal: Drops a heavy bombardment once per turn and has some cool gadgets. This is one of the consuls which I can't make up my mind if it is fluffy enough for the Emperor's Children. One one hand the 3rd Legion strives for perfection in all kinds of warfare and the tactical usage of bombardments seems legit. On the other hand it seems very unglorious to watch the enemy destroyed at a distance and not befitting of a high ranking soldier. My conclusion is to preferably not bring this entry, however, I like the idea of the lonely Captain which is looked down on by his peers for using this kind of tactic.
  • Legion Champion: Master-crafted close combat weapon and WS6. Perfect for the Emperor's Children who are well known to excell in close combat duelling. Use together with assault unit.
Part 2 coming tomorrow!

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