Wednesday 1 April 2015

Emperor's Children Fluffy: HQ Part 2

So now to continue with choosing a leader that works with the background if the 3rd Legion. We stopped in the middle of the consuls so lets pick it up from there:

  • Librarian: Not really an option for the EC as I strictly recall reading (somewhere in the horus heresy novels) that the mutation causing psychic powers was considered an imperfection by the seniors of the 3rd Legion, thus psykers wouldn't be in use. It is weird because on the other hand Fulgrim is present at the council of Nikaea and seems to be supporting his brother Magnus (A thousand sons). In Prospero burns he is also described as monitoring the event together with Russ, hidden beneath the large structure. Perhaps Fulgrim was simply luring Magnus to his judgement by using their close bond? Anyway no Librarians!
  • Forge Lord: Although Techmarines must have been present in the 3rd Legion they are rarely mentioned in the novels and I have a hard time seeing one of them advancing to any higher rang, due to their inglorious profession. I am not treating this as a solid no because there was probably some kind of leader of the Techmarines present.
  • Primus Medicae: Feel no pain! This HQ is perfect for the EC since after the disaster with their gene seed I recon that Apothecaries were given a high status in the Legion. Furthermore, Fabius must be the most well-known Apothecary during the Horus heresy and he would suit nicely as a Primus Medicae.
  • Vigilator: Stealthy assassin. This HQ feels more befitting of the Raven Guard, Alpha Legion or Night Lords rather than the 3rd Legion. Who would want to risk that his glorious deeds went by unnoticed on the battlefield? 
  • Siege Breaker: Destroyer of tanks and buildings. This one reeks of Iron Warriors or possibly Imperial Fists. Any HQ with dignity wouldn't want to get their cape dirty in the trenches. Meh, I guess this could go either way.
  • Moritat: Gunslinger and nasty weapons. Not sure about this one. On the one hand the usage of rad weapons and poison doesn't instinctively draw my mind to the EC but on the other they wouldn't fear using exotic weapons (especially after Istvaan) and the gunslinger looks awesome! 

Ok so lets summarize! Here is a ranking of the different HQ choices where 1 indicates the best fitting with the Legions background, 2 could go either way and 3 is not recommended:

  1. Praetor, Centurion, Chaplain, Legion Champion and Primus Medicae.
  2. Master of Signal, Forge Lord, Siege Breaker and Moritat.
  3. Librarian and Vigilator.
There we have it! Later I will take a look at the troops, elites and other sections of the army but for now this is it. Let me know what you think! Am I being to harsh with some choices or are some completely without justification?

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