Wednesday 8 April 2015

Bequa Kynska

The inspiration for my collection of Emperor's Children has always been the Horus heresy novels (Fulgrim and Angel exterminatus in particular). As such, I have also wanted to add non-astartes characters to my army and have now started that process with the stunning Bequa Kynska! Kynska is a famous composer who joins the 28th expedition and is lauded for her work by Fulgrim and Julius Kaesoron. After visiting the Laer temple she is driven slightly insane and produces her master piece: The Maraviglia. During its performance the entire audience basically turns to Slaanesh and Bequa is killed by a daemonette. But what if she didn't die? What if she became possessed instead? I bring you Bequa Kynska as I envisioned her during her performances:
I based Bequa on the Vampire Counts model Isabella Von Carstein but replaced her sword with a microphone stand and transformed her goblet of blood into a microphone. Now I know that Kynska is described as foremost a composer but also talented in all forms of music and so I don't consider it impossible for her to be able to sing. True, during the Maraviglia Bequa wasn't the one singing but she might have been at other occasions. The rule of cool will have to win this time.
Not the small round base of the microphone stand.

I plan on adding a cable running from the microphone to the base.
Can't wait to color her hair blue! Really cool model to paint.

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