Wednesday 15 April 2015

Emperor's Children Fluffy: Troops

Yo! Today we will go through the important but few different troops choices and see which that work best with the fluff of the Emperor's Children. As usual there will be a lot of personal opinions so if you don't agree and want to play your army in another style please feel free to do so. Now on to the troops!

  • Tactical squad: The backbone of the Legion. Can either go for bolters of two close combat weapons. As the 3rd Legion was one of the smaller in terms of legionaries after the gene seed disaster I don't expect to see any large units of 20 tacticals. Instead I would prefer units of 10 with increased tactical mobility. In the Fulgrim novel the Children are described as first shooting the enemy with their bolters before switching to their blades and charging into close combat. This could be represented by giving each legionary and additional close combat weapon (for 2 points per model). In that case you get smaller and more expensive units but which perform slightly better than the standard ones which could represent the Legions ambition for martial perfection.
  • Assault squad: Fast and deadly in close combat. The sergeant and two marined (in a 10 man squad) can take power weapons to increase their damage when charging. Same goes here for units of 10 rather than 20. We know that they were used so bring a couple. 
  • Breacher siege squad: Heavy unit which moves slowly with great protection from their shields. Although I have seen beautiful conversions of these using the wings from the Sanguinary Guard kit and despite the fact that they were probably used by the 3rd Legion during boarding actions I dislike this unit. I feel that they are to bulky, robust and immobile for the Emperor's Children and better suited for Legions of the Death Guard or Iron Warriors.
  • Tactical support squad: Small unit with some scary weapons, can be customized against everything from light infantry to vehicles. I personally love the look of the rotor cannons but guess they are only useful against large hordes of weak creatures. A plasma gun squad can really damage your opponents legionaries.
  • Reconnaissance squad: Meh, stealth was never really the preferred tactic of the 3rd Legion. Let the less glorious crawl in the shadows :)
As for rhinos and drop pods it is a free-for-all, get what you want!
To summarize: Go for small but well-equipped units of tactical and assault marines, perhaps backed up by some support squad but avoid bulky breachers or stealthy sneakers.

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