Tuesday 7 April 2015


The decision has been made. I am converting my Minotaurs-marines into Emperor's Children. There is only room for one Legion in my heart. I sent my tanks to my friend "the Raven" who is going to air-brush them purple. Later I plan on doing some free-hand painting on their large flat surfaces. What's more is that I am re-using the special characters from the Minotaurs (Moloc and Enkomi). The Chaplain will remain an unnamed character in power armor (I want Charmosean to be in terminator armor), but Moloc will be converted into First Captain Julius Kaesoron!
 Enkomi will simply go through a re-painting.
 To convert Moloc into Kaesoron I had to cut of the helmet which was part of the mold for the upper body (a real pain but then pain is pleasure). I also removed the spear and shield and exchanged them for a Grey Knights sword and a plasma pistol. The head is from the Blood Angels Sanguinary Guard with some added green-stuff hair. I've always imagined Julius with long flowing hair like his Primarch.

I like the face and how it fits with the model and the hair. Look forward to painting this guy as I'm sure I will do a better job than the previous one.

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