Friday 10 April 2015

Emperor's Children Fluffy: Elites

Moving on with the army list creation and selection of units that are "fluffy" enough to be used in the 3rd Legion today we will look at Elites-choices. This might be one of the more crowded unit entries as 3 slots will fill up quickly for the EC.

  • Veteran Tactical Squad: Very versatile, you can create anything from close combat oriented (power weapons and furious charge) to vehicle killer (melta and tank hunters). No clear yes or no for the 3rd Legion.
  • Terminators: As they are usually scoring they are perfect for footslogging up the board and capturing objectives. Can also be given good long-range weapons or close combat ones. I personally like these and they were a part of the 3rd Legion. Julius Kaesoron needs men to lead! As for armor type I would go for Cataphractii because it looks older and cooler. 
  • Techmarines: Cool special weapons and vehicle repair. Meh, I guess they existed in the EC but they were not very prominent. Flesh over steel!
  • Apothecaries: Feel no pain. Perfect for the 3rd Legion which was in dire need of apothecaries after the gene seed catastrophy. For a small legion it becomes extra important to preserve the gene seed from the fallen. I would get a couple of these and add them to Tactical squads and Command squads.
  • Dreadnoughts and Contemptors: Provide som good covering fire and can be used against tanks or infantry. As you can get up to 3 in each talon and use them separately later they seem to take up less slots than they actually do. Contemptors look slightly cooler than ordinary Dreadnoughts (personal opinion (oh no he didn't!)). 
  • Rapier weapon batteries: Solid covering unit with nasty guns. Too imobile for the EC I think.
Legion specific units:

  • Palatine blades and Phoenix terminators: Iconic and awesome close combat units. The terminators might be slightly over-priced but this is a fluff-discussion and no a tactical one. Get loads of them :)

So lets summarize: I will once again rank the choices from 1 (perfect for the EC) to 3 (doesn't really work in my opinion and yes it is only my opinion so do whatever YOU want).

  1. Palatine blades and Phoenix terminators! This is the problem for the Elites slots for the Emperor's Children because if you bring one unit of each you are left with only one slot for the rest of the cool choices, unless you skip that restriction of course. I would add Apothecaries to this rank because I think they are a bit more prominent in the 3rd Legion.
  2. Veterans, Terminators and Dreadnoughts. They were present but are not more special for the Emperor's Children than any other Legion. 
  3. Techmarines and Rapiers. Personally I don't think they fit in but there is no clear NO sign to bring them anyway.
That's it for today! I am almost done with Julius Kaesoron so expect pictures soon.

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