Tuesday 28 April 2015

Unknown Legionary

Yo! The other day, whilst trying to convince a friend to start with wargaming and sow the seeds of heresy, I got the inspiration to make an unmarked legionary. The idea was a marine who remained loyal to the Emperor and tried to remove the heraldry of his previous Legion. I had the idea of bare ceramite being more bone-white than metallic and created a marine from the Death Guard Legion. Here is the result:
 I used the arm from the missile launcher to create a pose which makes him seem to be shouting orders at the same time as he is crouching to take a shot.

I used a lot of stippling to make the model heavily weathered, both because he was in the Death Guard and because he has been trying to remove his previous colors. If you look closely you can make out a green stripe on his shoulders. A fun little side project, the model is now safely shipped of to my friend where he will hopefully be the commander of his future army, mohahah!

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