Sunday 8 March 2015

Stegadon sighted!

Yay! It's package day kids! This time a mighty Stegadon has stomped its way into my hobby and I am looking forward to painting this beast. I've already assembled it much like the one on the box with the wheel of doom or whatever. Found an interesting painting scheme online which I am aching to try out. As I still haven't learned how to play Warhammer fantasy and since the Lizardmen seem to have gone missing from that game anyway I will use this for my Lepidosaurians=40K Lizardmen. Going with the Ork rules I think I will play the Stegadon as the Squiggoth (rules in this book) which is a monstrous creature with a transport capacity of 10. The actual model looks a bit small to carry 10 Saurians but this isn't any more weird than the Rhino transporting 10 Marines (like GW works with scale, hah!). More Stegadon pics tomorrow!

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