Monday 23 March 2015

Let the Galaxy Burn!

Another type of unit I plan on adding to my Lepidosaurians: Burna boyz! Or at least I will use the rules for the Burna boyz, not sure what to call this guy yet. Maybe some cheesy name to avoid copyright like Burna man/flame kid? Haha no that sucks! I based this model of a Saurian but exchanged one hand for the Terradon rider claw with wreaking ball and the other to hold the flaming brazier. It makes the model stand out as something different and I can see it spurting fire on its enemies. Perhaps the large ball contains a flamable liquid? Need to have at least 5 in a unit so more will come eventually.

 I painted the flames blue which makes a nice contrast to the color of the Saurians skin. I also used Rhinox hide to create a striped pattern on the Saurians scales.

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