Saturday 14 March 2015

Stegadon painting guide Part 1.

Yo! Had quite some progress on the Stedagon and today I bring you the first part of the painting guide (the skin). I must point out that I did not come up with this scheme myself but found it online. With that said, here we go!
 Started with an undercoat of Chaos black followed by Rakarth flesh on the skin.
 Waaagh! flesh on the scales.
 Dry-brush the entire model with 50/50 mix of Rakarth flesh and Ushabti bone.
 Wash entire model with Seraphim sepia.
 Wash the entire model with Nuln oil (slightly watered down).
 Dry-brush entire model with Ushabti bone.
And finally dry-brush the entire model with 50/50 mix of Ushabti bone and Skull white. The result is both nice-looking but also quite quick to do. I think that the scale color could easily be exchanged for other dull colours such as Mephiston red or Kantor blue. Next up is painting the horns!

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