Sunday 22 March 2015

The Saurus are massing!

Slowly but surely my Lepidosaurians are taking form. This force which I plan to use as Orks in 30K as a potential Xenos-species with which to fight. That is one of the fun things with 30K that there were loads of more Xenos in the galaxy (before they were eliminated by the Imperial forces). I have already finished 1-2 unit(s) of Skinks and 1 Skink Shaman and now my 10 Saurians are on their way as well as a Stegadon, 3 ripperdactyls and another Shaman. I have also considered adding the following:

  • Cold one riders: Works as ork bikers, looks cool but I might use the Cold ones from the Dark elves kit instead since they don't look like Goofy.
  • Artillery units: From the Stegadon kit I got ballistas and other large weapons which I plan on using as Gretchin with Artillery.
  • Dragonborn: Might add wings (from the gargoyle kit) to some Saurians to get Stormboyz. Not sure how to fit the wings but I bet the conversion would look cool.
  • Chosen: Using some temple guard as Nobz would add the needed commanders to my Saurians.
  • XXX: Check tomorrow for yet another unit...

So what do you think? I like the color and it is very easy to apply to large units in little time, check out the painting guide. See ya!

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