Wednesday 21 January 2015

Lepidosauria WIP

Just posting some pictures on what I have been up to!
 Another Skink Shaman on the way. This one I based of the extra skink in the Ripperdactyl set with the mask of the special character. I like the hunched look he's got and I added a broken totem for him to stand on (them skinks need their height).
 The knife looks brutal and is probably used in bloody rituals. As a Shaman he needed a staff and I fashioned one from a spear and some decorative feathers from the same kit.
 The Ripperdactyl riders are also on their way.
As are the two other Ripperdactyls. I will add a post on how to paint these later.
That's all for now. I know there has been a lot of Lizards lately and not so much Emperor's Children or other marines but they will be back. I am going to make an order from Forge World by the beginning of next week for something big, bipedal and mechanic. What could it be?

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