Monday 19 January 2015

Codex Lepidosauria

Yo! So as I have previously stated I am not a fantasy player and I try to stick with 30 and 40K but it is sometimes difficult when there are such beautiful fantasy models out there. Therefore, I am continuing to work on my Lepidosauria (basically Lizardmen in space) combining fantasy models with existing 40K rules mostly from codex Orks. This I will try to put together in a codex where the rules are explained in a way which makes more sense for the Lizrdmen models. 

An example: Saurus warrior as an Ork boy. Treat the slugga pistol as acid spit which can be produced and projected by the Saurus at its enemies. The difficulty of aiming spittle is explained by the poor ballistic skill. 

Hopefully I can put up the codex with rules as they get ready. Would be cool to add some pictures from my collection as well as a short background story. 

Spoiler alert! 
Perhaps my idea of playing Lizardmen in space was perfectly timed since the rumors concerning the latest End Times novel from GW states that the remaining Lizardmen escaped into space on temples incapsuled in magical bubbles :) I feel a bit bad for fantasy players if the Lizardmen won't be getting any more updates but who knows they might be back!
 Had some fun painting this toad which was included in the Ripperdactyl set as a poisonous dart frog. I have plans on using a similar color scheme for a Slann mage who will eventually take control and lead my army.

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