Wednesday 28 January 2015

Howling shit!

Ever so often a lack of inspiration can appear especially when painting loads of models in similar color schemes. There are different solutions to the problem. Either start a new project (which is always fun but somewhat time consuming and expensive), collect a couple of armies and take turns paining and adding to each army or take a break and paint something completely different. As I have previously tried the two former options I now tried the third. I have a bunch of primed but otherwise unpainted space marines from a previous Minotaurs project which I can't see myself completing anytime soon (I have my Emperor's Children now). So I took a model and started painting something completely new to me, a Howling Griffon (or at least inspired by them).
 Really fun to get a change in painting and focusing on the art instead of what to add to the army or how good a model will preform in battle.
 This also gave the opportunity to try new techniques and a lot of free-hand. When you start painting an army in a certain scheme it is difficult to change it and develop as a painter.
 I think my choice of colors makes him look more like a clown than a noble knight. Something like the Harlequins of the Eldar. I really like it!

 Parting with some close ups so you can see all my mistakes (ouch! ). No, I am satisfied with the job.
Don't worry I will not abandon the 3rd Legion! They will return stronger than ever and I have several characters I want to finish.

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