Monday 8 December 2014

Saul Tarvitz

For those who have read the Horus heresy novels from Black Library the name Saul Tarvitz is almost held in the same respect as that of Garviel Loken (well perhaps us chosen Children think he is even cooler compared to those ruffians in the Luna wolves, oh shit I am turning into Eidolon!). In short he was the Captain of the 10th Company (1st Company in the opening books but this was later changed to allow Julius Kaesoron to take that position and I think that works better) and described as a good and noble fighter but only a line officer. Most members (including Solomon Demeter) thought that there was no potential in Tarvitz, something he disproved leading the defiant last stand of the loyalists down on Istvaan 3, but now we are getting ahead of things, my army is peacefully still before the events of the heresy. For now...
 Here are some inspirational paintings of Saul and I wanted to include the long hair as well as his charnabal broadsword into my model.

So this is what I did: The base for Tarvits comes from the Masters of the Chapter kit from GW (yes I have soon used all 4 of them but they do make great special characters and the detail is awesome). The head is also one of the 4 from the kit. The hair as well as the plume/crest of the helmet is modelled on using green-stuff. This was my first time using green-stuff (GS) for such detail-rich parts but it went pretty well. For the hair is flattened a piece of GS and covered the head with it, then used a fine scalpel to draw lines resembling hair and pressing it thinner over the head. Finally, I rolled some individual pieces of hair which I used on one side to give a flowing sensation, They became a bit too thick and resemble dreadlocks and the crest of the helmet is also a bit fat but I am still happy with the result.
He is going to be fun to paint!

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