Thursday 4 December 2014

How to play Eidolon

So Lord Commander Eidolon is an arrogant bastard, we established that, but perhaps he has some rights to brag about his abilities. The rules for Eidolon are awesome. He wields a master-crafted thunder hammer which doesn't give any penalty for initiative on the turn that he charges into combat. As a bonus to that, his sonic screamer give him initiative 6. With his 4 attacks, 5 on the charge, he can easily kill 3 marines per turn and later overrun them (which you can do in 30k, I guess marines were more frightened back then, or they didn't like fighting their brothers which is understandable).

I think Eidolon would suite best together with a close combat unit such as assault marines or palatine blades. Imagine 5 blades plus Eidolon plus power weapons plus jump packs! (Drooling) The only downside is that he is quite points heavy. At 185p base or 205p with a jump pack I find him a bit too expensive in games of 1000p. One fifth of the total points is a lot for a HQ. Easily a nice choice for 1500p and more though. Look forward to seeing him in action!

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