Wednesday 17 December 2014

New Xeno Race in 30K

So there are some differences concerning which Xeno (non-human) races that were active during the great crusade and horus heresy compared to the ones that are played in 40K. Eldar, Dark Eldar and Orks appear in both 30K and 40K but Tau, Necrons and Tyranids for example are not mentioned. There are also numerous 30K races that are mentioned in the Horus Heresy Novels that don't occur in 40K such as the Hrud, Laer and Megarachnids (the latter two are far too familiar for the Emperor's Children). What I have in mind is to create some more Xeno races which could be played and used in a great crusade era campaign. The good thing about 30K is that there were countless worlds brought to compliance by the Imperium with just as many races driven to extinction.

I would like to create a reptillan race using Lizardmen from Warhammer fantasy. The models look great and even though I am not a fantasy player I have always wanted a Lizardmen army.
I think I am going to call them the Lepidosauria which is the scientific name for the group including all lizards (and snakes). Lepidosaurs sounds cool enough :)
 These two pictures are stolen from the web (I take no credit for them!) and illustrate how lizardmen could be used in 30K. I however have other plans. Instead of making them look high-tech I will keep them fantasy-looking as a primitive race. But their strength and psychic powers will still make them a dangerous enemy!

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