Monday 17 November 2014

Why the Children of the Emperor?

Why, you might ask, why choose the III legion? Well the first contact I had with the Emperor's Children probably came through the Games-Workshop webpage. I had just started playing 40K after my friend "The Raven" cunningly sowed the seeds of miniature gaming in my mind, much like Erebus. Although I can't remember it precisely, I probably came across the Noise marines and wasn't impressed at all, iiiscch!
As my hobby interest continued to grow "The Raven" once again intervened, this time clutching Horus Rising in his talons. It was in the first three books of the Horus heresy novels where I came into contact with Saul Tarvitz, Lucius, Eidolon and the rest of the 3rd legion. This escalated after reading Fulgrim and I knew that I had to cast aside the false Emperor and become one of the Children.
What I dreamt of, whilst crying over the Forge World prices, was to build my own III legion and to recreate the characters that I had grown to love from the novels. The release of the Horus heresy books by Forge World was the required spark and thus I started my collection. Here are my first two models: A standard bearer and a commander who I have chosen to represent Lord Commander Vespasian (more on him later).

The icon and the text are both freehand painted. The icon I based of the legion symbol. The text was a real pain to paint, especially in the recesses of the banner.

That's all for now! This was how it all started for me. Stay tuned for "The Raven's" story as well as more information on Lord Commander Vespasian.

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