Thursday 20 November 2014

Solomon Demeter 2

Following up on the fate of Captain Solomon Demeter today. I painted him in the classical purple with golden trims. The cape is black, highlighted with dawnstone. The left shoulder guard became white which I plan on giving my assault squad later. I heard some arguments about white not being used according to "fluff" and that this was a bad thing introduced by the guys at Forge World but I say that it looks cool and therefore stays. 
 The chainsword is golden which I think brings out Solomons extreme care and modifications of his weapons. His friend Marius (Captain of the 3rd Company) accused him for being superstitious, note befitting a man of his rank nor appropriate in a universe free of gods (haha jokes on him!).
 Not sure what mark the armor is supposed to be but it doesn't look too new and could work even for a 30K model. I added a MKIV backpack which gives the model an older appearance.
 Blue is my spot color and doesn't it work well with the purple? I will ad a painting tutorial later explaining in detail which colors I use.
Ending with a nice close up. Demeter is described as having short dark hair and a tan from the light of several suns. I used cadian fleshtone with a wash of ogryn flesh and highlighted with more cadian fleshtone. The hair is a mix of chaos black and dawnstone, small stripes of dawnstone and a wash of nuln oil to top it of. I like how he is a contrast to what most of my other characters will look like: pale and very blonde, the very image of their Primarch.

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