Wednesday 19 November 2014

Lord Commander Vespasian

The first character I recreated from the Horus heresy novels was Lord Commander Vespasian which I completely based of the commander which is included in the Forge World MKIV command set (Forge World). The model itself I believe is elaborate enough to represent a Lord Commander (which is approximately equal in rank to a Praetor) and also matches the few descriptions available for Vespasian (he is described as having classical features which I interpret as a typical Space Marine with short hair etc.).

Vespasian is described as having high moral standards and I found him to be a stark contrast to Eidolon (his equal in the Legion) in the novels. This doesn't really match the way I painted him and the expression of the model (man he looks pissed!). Perhaps he is shouting orders in battle, perhaps he has just been betrayed by his own Legion or perhaps he just dropped a hammer on his foot.

I plan to play him using the rules for a Praetor in the Horus heresy books from FW. To the standard artificer armor and bolt pistol I will add a paragon blade (S+1 AP2) as well as an iron halo (4+ invulnerable save) which seems befitting of a man in his position. I think he is described as being deadly with a blade and the paragon blade gives instant death on to-wound rolls of 6! This sums up to 150p which is a bit too much for a HQ in a 1000p list, at least that is my opinion. However, for larger lists such as 1500p it works fine. Perhaps joining him with a close combat unit will optimize his performance.

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