Wednesday 26 November 2014


Undoubtedly one of the most well known Emperor's Children, Lord Commander Eidolon is second only to Saul Tarvitz and Lord Fulgrim himself when it comes to popularity. I knew that I just had to have him in my collection!
I based my version of Eidolon of one of the four Masters of the Chapter models (GW). The thunder hammer works perfectly since it is his weapon of choice and the pose as well as all the ornamentation really makes him look as the self centered arrogant bastard that he is, I love to hate him!
Once again I swapped the back pack to a MKIV version to better fit in the 30K universe. I love that the shoulder pad already had a wing modeled onto it. It really looks like the Emperor's children icon. I also like that most of the Masters of the Chapter models have the aquila on their chest which doesn't matter since the 3rd legion had copyright to wear them. Mohahah
I wanted to make the hammer look as though it was made out of marble and I think the effect is really cool. Unfortunately I have forgotten which colors I used because my local Games Workshop manager helped me in the store. If anyone wants to know I could probably ask her once again.

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