Monday 1 June 2015


Here are two pictures to get an idea of the color scheme I plan to use on my wracks, or should I say the Children of Fabius? The skin is in a similarly pale tone as GW paints their wracks but I add the purple, white and gold to tie them in with my EC. Enjoy!

Sunday 31 May 2015

Palatine blades and Lucius done!

I only have the power packs left but other than that these beauties are done! Really love the detail on these models and perhaps, after seeing how they perform in combat, I will get more.

Saturday 23 May 2015

Friday 22 May 2015

Thursday 21 May 2015


I always imagined the Emperor's Children having a high regard for their apothecaries, with the famous Fabius leading them. After their gene-seed crisis preserving what scarce genetic material was left became paramount and thus the apothecaries gained a high reputation. Anyhow, I decided to add two converted apothecaries to my Legion, serving under Fabius' command. I used some parts from the Dark Eldar Wracks kit to give them a more sinister appearance. There are also some Blood Angels and Chaos Space Marines bitz in there. Enjoy!

Wednesday 20 May 2015

Back in action!

Yo! Sorry but it has been a while since I had time for the hobby. Tonight the 3rd Legion takes a step towards damnation. I bring you the Children of Apothecary Fabius!
 Ever since reading the Angel Exterminatus where Fabius is experimenting with humans and Space marines creating his "Terrata" I wanted to add some of those freaks to my army. The Dark Eldar Wracks are the perfect models to represent the poor tormented souls that have been modified by Fabius. Next to a legionary they look a bit small so I am thinking that they should represent humans and not astartes. Perhaps I could add a few grotesques in the future to represent the altered marines.
 I might play them as a bodyguard to Fabius using the rules for Wracks from the Dark Eldar codex.
I added one of the exotic weapons in addition to the close combat weapons of the squad. There are several reports of the Emperor's Children using strange xenos technology so it feels appropriate.

Friday 8 May 2015

The Lizards march to war

This has been a busy week for my Lepidosaurians and the army is coming along nicely. Just thought I'd post some pictures on the painted part of the army. I also have some Saurians to paint as well as some skink crew and another shaman.

Thursday 7 May 2015

Dino riders!

Finished up some Skink riders for my Ripperdactyls with the skill to manoeuvre these beasts through the canopy of the jungle. I think that the color scheme of the Ripperdactyls works well with my already existing scheme for the skinks and as usual I use blue as my spot color.

Mohaha soon the entire universe will be mine!

Monday 4 May 2015

Stegadon WIP

What is that rumble? Oh my it is a fully painted Stegadon! I finally sat down and painted the Howdah for this monster and the result blends in well with the rest of the paint scheme. I wanted it to look like it was mainly made of stone so I dry-brushed using Dawnstone and Administratum grey. The wooden parts were painted in Rhinox Hide, the stretched skin/leather in Rakarth Flesh and the ropes in Mournfang Brown. All but the stone was washed with Nuln Oil and then some final details were added. As with the Ripperdactyls I still need to add some crew to control this beast but other than that my Lepidosaurian army is reaching a decent size.

Saturday 2 May 2015

Ripperdactyls WIP

The beasts are finally ready! And look at that imposing wingspan! I tried to recreate the pattern on the wings from GW:s own by creating some random squares and spikes. I used Jokaero Orange as the base for the wings with patterns of Squig Orange (same as for the skin) filled with squares of Doombull Brown. Now all I have to do is to paint the riders so that someone can control these flying terrors!

Tuesday 28 April 2015

Unknown Legionary

Yo! The other day, whilst trying to convince a friend to start with wargaming and sow the seeds of heresy, I got the inspiration to make an unmarked legionary. The idea was a marine who remained loyal to the Emperor and tried to remove the heraldry of his previous Legion. I had the idea of bare ceramite being more bone-white than metallic and created a marine from the Death Guard Legion. Here is the result:
 I used the arm from the missile launcher to create a pose which makes him seem to be shouting orders at the same time as he is crouching to take a shot.

I used a lot of stippling to make the model heavily weathered, both because he was in the Death Guard and because he has been trying to remove his previous colors. If you look closely you can make out a green stripe on his shoulders. A fun little side project, the model is now safely shipped of to my friend where he will hopefully be the commander of his future army, mohahah!