Wednesday 20 May 2015

Back in action!

Yo! Sorry but it has been a while since I had time for the hobby. Tonight the 3rd Legion takes a step towards damnation. I bring you the Children of Apothecary Fabius!
 Ever since reading the Angel Exterminatus where Fabius is experimenting with humans and Space marines creating his "Terrata" I wanted to add some of those freaks to my army. The Dark Eldar Wracks are the perfect models to represent the poor tormented souls that have been modified by Fabius. Next to a legionary they look a bit small so I am thinking that they should represent humans and not astartes. Perhaps I could add a few grotesques in the future to represent the altered marines.
 I might play them as a bodyguard to Fabius using the rules for Wracks from the Dark Eldar codex.
I added one of the exotic weapons in addition to the close combat weapons of the squad. There are several reports of the Emperor's Children using strange xenos technology so it feels appropriate.

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